
【周三】成为高效能人士习惯二:以终为始 | Becoming A highly effective people: Habit2-Begin...

Wed, 12 Aug 2020 19:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Wed, 12 Aug 2020 21:30:00 GMT+08


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    Topic / 话题
    Dear friends, Would you rather: Have a dream but you will never make it? Or do not have any dream, so it does not matter whether you will obtain it or not? Or you have a practical goal setting that it can be achieved through hard work? During the period of the epidemic, we are more aware of the fragility and value of life, it also makes us cherish the moments more, and drives us to reflect: What is the most important thing to you? What kind of life do you want to live? What is your life goal and vision? Are you living it out?
    亲爱的朋友们,你宁愿: 有一个梦想,永远无法追求到? 还是没有任何梦想,也无所谓追不追求得到? 或者有一个切实可行的目标,努努力是可以达到的? 在疫情期间,我们更加意识到生命的脆弱和可贵,也让我们越发地珍惜现有的时光,同时触动我们去进行深刻的反省和反思: 到底什么对你而言是最重要的? 你想过一个什么样的人生?你的人生目标和愿景是什么呢?你活出来了吗?
    This Wednesday we'll focus on habit II: Begin with the End in mind. Through fun role play, personal experience sharing and debate, we will inspire and empower each other to have better understanding on what our life goals are, Begin with the End in mind to live a more quality life. Can’t be missed!
    这周三我们会专注在习惯二:以终为始。 我们会通过角色扮演,个人经历分享还有辩论,互相激励启发并赋能,更明确自己的人生目标是什么,以终为始,活出更有质量的人生。期待你来参加哦。

    Host / 主持人
    Joyce 邹严飞 / IBM Certified Trainer & TEFL & Speech Coach
    Joyce Zou is a Professional trainer and Bilingual speech coach, with her 10-year IBM working and training experience, and 10-year toastmasters public speaking practice, she is passionate about sharing her practice and empowering people to present effectively with authenticity. She got TEFL Global English teaching certificate and she is also a teacher for New Oriental School.

    • 邹严飞老师是IBM 认证讲师及中英双语演讲教练;
    • 曾在 IBM公司有10年的工作和培训经验;
    • 在Toastmasters 国际演讲组织已有10年的演讲实践及培训经验;
    • 是新东方老师,拥有TEFL全球英语教学认证;
    • 她助力你高效提升中英双语演讲及沟通能力。
    * 您可以加她微信协商演讲培训或教练的事宜:joycezou95

    Attention / 注意事项
    Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30

    The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number

    If you're unable to attend, please postpone the participation on the registration page. If refunded, deduct 10% registration fee.
    Event / 活动信息
    Time / 时间
    2020/08/12 Wed 19:30 - 21:30
    2020/08/12 周三 19:30点 - 21:30点
    Number / 人数
    12 people around
    Fee / 费用
    39¥, On site with one drink
    39元, 线下包含一杯饮料
    Address / 地址
    Lan Coffee, F25, E-Tower building,  No.12 Guanghua road, Chaoyang district
    朝阳区光华路丙12号数码01大厦  25层方舟部落内 蘭部落咖啡
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    PET Bilingual Salon / 双语沙龙

    The PET Bilingual Salon is a decentralized sharing event where people meets in a relaxed and cozy place every week to exchange ideas on a topic prepared by friends. Participants will have a comprehensive discussion on the topic in different forms and depths, so that they can not only experience the fun of chatting, but also learn other people's thoughts, try to think from different perspectives, improve communication skills, broaden horizons and build their social network.
    PostEnglishTime, Speak English and Make Friends
    PostEnglishTime is a high-quality network of English-speaking Chinese professionals in Beijing. We organize various social activities and provide various community services. Our mission is to build a high-quality network of locals and foreigners who are seriously interested in engaging with culture exchange, learning different societies and humanities.

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